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Please check your inbox for the all important details about this event. We look forward to seeing you there!

All of the best to your success!

Sue Nelson
Commercial Real Estate Investor

REO Note Profits

Privacy Policy

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Our business changes constantly. This privacy statement will change also, and use of information that we gather now is subject to the privacy and security statement in effect at the time of collection. You should check our Web site frequently to see recent changes.


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    How to submit a deal

    Hi everyone,

    My name is Tim Oaks,

    As some of you know, I work with Sue and Ed in acquisition and finance. I look at the deals that are submitted to the office. I was asked put together a video of what is needed to submit a deal. Let me start by saying if you are new to this business it can be intimidating to submit a deal. I don’t want that to be the case, but what I do want you to know is it is a process.

    What I would like you to do is, embrace the process. There is a learning curve and I am here to reduce the curve. The fact that you own this course has already given you a tremendous head start in the process but I don’t expect you to know everything on your first submission. You don’t even need to know the formula’s used in this business, Sue’s analyzer does all that for you. Take the time to watch the how to use the analyzer videos on the website. Getting familiar with the analyzer is time well spent. First when submitting a property know there is a big difference in what is required from you when you are asking for feedback or if you are trying to wholesale, or submit it to our hedge fund. You will see in the video when you are asking for feedback the info required is minimal but if you are looking to wholesale or submit to a hedge fund I will need a lot more information and you need to be prepared to answer a lot of questions.

    I highly suggest you practice by analyzing and submit some deals for feedback or specific questions before you submit for sale. I also suggest you analyze, analyze, analyze. Every deal you analyze you get more knowledgeable and are able to see the good the bad and the ugly. Remember I am not a coach and there are times when it takes me longer than I would like to get back to you. It is usually due to the fact we are closing a deal or close to a boot camp. The good news is you are truly working with a group that is in the business and doing deals. Also know if you want one on one personalized instruction, the coaching program is available. Your coach will get back to you much quicker than I can. Give the coaching program some thought and call Hollis at 877-933-0879 for more information. As I said sometimes I get extremely busy but If you haven’t heard back from me in a week I don’t mind a nudge, asking if I got your email.

    Email is the best way to correspond with me. tim(@)

    Below is a list of one of the slides on my video that you can cut and paste if you want a copy.

    Below is a list of what I need to give you an opinion on your deal:
    I will be happy to give you my opinion on any deal you have but I need you to:
    1. Attach a completed 5 year analyzer. In xls format
    2. Attach supporting documents of where your numbers came from. Preferably the OM, 12 month trailing and recent rent roll.
    3. explain any value plays
    4. explain why you think this is a good deal.
    5. list any questions you have and be as specific as possible. It also helps me if you tell me why you are submitting a deal. some examples would be for our opinion on your deal, to look over your work and give you feedback, as a possible wholesale deal to us, or something else.

    You can also just ask specific questions without submitting all the above.

    i.e Where should I put this expense in the analyzer.

    You can remove any information you are not comfortable sharing.

    i.e. address or property name etc. When I get the information submitted this way I can get my opinion back to you quickly without playing e-mail tag.

    Just remember You can do this ! My advise to you is, take your business seriously, have patience, determination, invest in yourself, thirst for knowledge and embrace the process.

    Best of luck hope to hear from you soon,


    Affiliate Program

    Join our Affiliate Program and start making money today as one of our affiliate partners. If you have a real estate related website that has content specifically related to investing in real estate then joining our affiliate program is a great way for you to earn extra money without doing any work. Let our product do the selling while you earn the affiliate commissions. We take care of our affiliate partners and we want to help you to promote our products so that you can make more money.

    Join our affiliate Program and receive 50% of all sales from any product (except coaching). Our affiliates are making thousands of dollars every month and you could be too! Our real estate products are rock solid and we have one of the lowest return rates in the real estate industry.

    Our online affiliate tracker helps you keeps track of your affiliate sales and commissions and we make sure that you are paid quickly. All affiliate checks are paid 30 days after the sale and we can mail you a check or pay you via PayPal.

    Our affiliate program provides you with all of the banners, email copy and affiliate support that you need in order to be a successful affiliate.

    If you are the owner of an existing Real Estate Investment Club, real estate website or blog and you would like to be an affiliate then please sign up by clicking on the “Join Our Affiliate Program” button below.

    If you have any questions about our affiliate program please call our offices at 877-933-0879 or email to discuss unique joint venture and partnership or affiliate opportunities.

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